The End of Term is Fast Approaching!

by Helen Freeman, Principal

We had a fabulous day on Tuesday for many reasons; we welcomed all our new Foundations for the morning and we also had students who were joining our school in 2021 due to a move to the Mount Waverley area. Later in the morning, new parents to the school were invited to come to a Q&A session held in the BER. Deane Lam our School Council president and president of the Parent's Association spoke to the parents, as did Julie and Michelle, our wonderful Administration duo, regarding COMPASS, Uniform, and OSHC.  Kate Simpson also explained about the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPS). After the session parents were reconnected with their children and then went to visit the classrooms.

Also, the students in Foundation to Year 5 all enjoyed the morning in their 2012 level experiencing activities and the physical environment that awaits them in the new year. The majority of the Year 6 students were enjoying their orientation at their chosen Secondary School.  Those that were at school helped out the younger students in their classrooms.

School Council

We had our final School Council meeting for 2020 on Tuesday night, led by our President Deane Lam, and Treasurer Maulik Shah. I am proud of both what we have achieved this year and the way we have worked together despite the challenges of COVID-19. I would like to thank our staff representatives; Rebecca Stonehouse-Melke, Irene Antzoulatos, and Jess Jason, as well as our parent representatives; Mon Venus, Kunal Monga, Lisa Macdermott, Eric Huppe, Eric Zhang, and Raja Ravi for their valuable contributions throughout the year and look forward to working together in 2021 for all the students at Syndal South Primary School. I would like to make special mention to the Finance Committee, Maulik Shah, Deane Lam, Kunal Mong, Richard Wang, and Rebecca Stonehouse-Melke. The work of this group has been imperative to the efficient running of our school, particularly through the challenges of managing the whole-school budget during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the committee will continue to support our teaching and learning priorities with appropriate funding, as well as ensuring the physical environment of the school is supportive of highly-effective student learning.


Just a reminder that families will receive student reports tomorrow via Compass if your child is leaving SSPS at the end of the year (including Year 6’s) please ensure you download your child’s report before your Compass access ceases.

Terrific Kids Assembly

Our virtual Terrific Kids Assembly will take place this coming Monday at 9.10am via Webex.  If you would like to watch the details are:


Meeting number (access code): 165 249 7966

Meeting password:  SSPSAssembly

Reindeer Games and Christmas Colours

Finally, on Monday 14th December all the students will be celebrating the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPS) reward that they have been working so hard towards achieving this Term.  The children had two options to support with their tokens:


Option One: Reindeer Games - 30 minutes of extra playtime - with all the teachers joining in!

Option Two: Come to school in your free-dress, Christmas colours and fun clothes!


Because all the students have done such an amazing job this year we have decided that they can do both.