Parent News

Dear Parents/Guardians
Please note that we also have other items targeted to students in the student news section. We encourage you to also read this page, as well as the others to see what else is happening in the community.
Traffic Management
A reminder to families who travel by car to and from the school. If you are exiting from the school grounds, you CAN NOT turn right onto Hoppers Lane. We understand that this may be inconvenient, however it slows down the traffic not only for other families, but for other community members who use this public road.
Where possible, we will have staff members out front to assist in reminding our community members you cannot turn right.
The school’s car park is only for staff members only. If you require parking, Victoria University has parking options available. You can find further information here.
Please be aware of any parking restrictions near the school as well as road rules to avoid fines from the council.
The school does not offer a school bus service. This is not common for Government Schools in the metro areas due to public transport services being readily available. There is a public transport bus stop outside our school, and we are located a walking distance away from Hoppers Crossing Train Station too.
10 Year Celebration
This is our school's 10 year anniversary. The school celebrated with a special assembly and birthday cake on our official Birthday, 1 Feb. You can find the video here that was filmed and shared with students here. Please use password: SCHS.
Throughout the year we will have a range of special events to celebrate this important milestone including concerts, fundraising, trivia and special faculty weeks in school. This will culminate in our biggest event, a school fete, on Friday 26 November 2021 to which we invite all past and present students, and their families to join us. Students are encouraged to get involved in organising and participating in the special events of the year. Further details will be communicated via Compass.
Facebook Community Group
To help our families connect together, we have created a Facebook Community Group.
You must answer to the questions and adhere to the rules of the page. We have found this group to be useful for many families and hope that it will help further grow our community and connect us together. Compass will continue to be the main form of communication to families from the school.
School's Privacy Statement
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on our website here.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in nine community languages:
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Dari
- Mandarin
- Somali
- Sudanese
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese.
Reporting Student Absences
It is a school expectation that if your child is absent from school that you make contact via compass (preference) or telephone. Please make contact by no later than 10:00am on the day of the absence. If absent for medical reasons a medical certificate will be required.
Please visit this compass guide and navigate to 'Attendance' if you are unsure about how to report a student absence.
Student is Unwell & Masks
If students are unwell, including having a temperature, please ensure that students stay home and their absence is reported via compass. If a student becomes unwell during the school day they may be directed to the First Aid room monitored by staff.Depending on the nature of their symptoms, staff may contact parents/carers or an emergency contact person to ask them to collect the student.
As of Friday 4 February, Masks must be worn in an indoor setting, which includes schools. All students must carry their own masks with them before they enter school grounds, and wear them while indoors, or where social distancing is not possible outdoors.
Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
For Parents/Guardians that have a current Health Care Card, Pension Card or Veterans affairs pension card, please ensure you have submitted a CSEF application form if you haven't already done so.
The CSEF will provide $225 per eligible student to attend camps, sports and excursions during the year.
Further information about the program can be found here.