General News 

Administration News and Weekly Awards

Presentation Day

Please remember we have a limit of 2 parents/carers per child for our Presentation Day this Thursday the 3rd of December.  Parents and carers must return the RSVP before Thursday, filled in with details to adhere to our current COVID protocols outlined in Pauline's principal's message. If you have not returned your RSVP form you will not be able to attend. 


Year 5 Captains Speeches

Year 5 students presented their Captains Speeches to the school on Monday 30th November.  We were so proud of the children as they shared their speeches with their peers. 


Tea Towel Fundraiser News

We are very excited that our Tea Towels have arrived and can be collected from Jodie Gamble through the office window after our Presentation Day Awards Ceremony on Thursday.   


School Fees

All school fees must be finalised by this Friday, 4th December, 2020.  Payments can be made at any time via Qkr or EFT direct into the School's bank account (Ref: surname and fee statement number). Thank you to those families who pay their fees promptly; this helps so much with our school budget.  ADIG has made changes to the Direct Debit dishonour process and letters went home to those with a Direct Debit on Thursday, 29 October, 2020. If you are experiencing difficulty paying your school fees, please make an appointment to speak with our Principal, Mrs Pauline Long, ASAP.


Year 6 - Notification of Student Leaving School

Forms have already gone home with students.  Please return these by this Friday, 4th December, 2020.


Please read the link above as it refers to school travel for your child in 2021. Not everyone needs to reapply for a pass but students beginning school or moving on to high school may need to.

Term 4, Week 7 Awards

Infants Awards

James Bowley -  excellent participation during Maths Warm Ups! Well done.

Charlie Marheine -  thoughtful contributions to class discussions. 

Shivansh Madan - striving hard to work productively and independently on learning tasks.

Hayley R, Willson, Maddox, Jack, James, Clancy, Shivansh and Zeb
Hayley R, Willson, Maddox, Jack, James, Clancy, Shivansh and Zeb

Primary Awards

Zeb Allan - trying hard all week to master improper and mixed fractions.

Clancy Flett - writing an amazing first paragraph in Big Write yesterday.

Felicity Carroll - always trying her best in all tasks. 

Hayley Rheinberger - engaging well with our drama activities.

Willson Davis - great improvisation in our Drama lesson. 

Maddox Davis - excellent effort and engagement in all is learning.

Student Leader Awards

Shivansh Madan -  being reverent and respectful during Mass.