Did you know that you can access the library 24/7?
From the homepage you can create an account and log-in. This is an easy process. It’s the same log-in as you use with Compass. As you scroll down the library homepage there are useful links to online databases that will be useful to your research and schoolwork. These are easily accessible and if you need further information on how to navigate them just ask your friendly librarians because we’re always here to assist you.
A complete list of usernames and passwords for our databases are located at the front library desk.
Another of our fantastic databases for research is World Book Online, and once again can be easily accessed via links on our homepage.
The username and password for World Book Online are both rosehillsc
We have been busy adding new books for you to enjoy. These are displayed prominently on the shelf ends in our library. Come on in and have a look … you might just be surprised by what we have.