From the Principal

Pre-Primary students with their Easter bonnets, April 2019.

This has been a very successful term to begin our 30th anniversary year and I wish to thank you for the great support you have shown the School during these past weeks. The positive tone was set in February at the P&F Welcome Back Barbecue which saw a large crowd relaxing in the grounds on a warm summer evening. It was a terrific occasion for both longstanding and new families which we look forward to reprising in 2020.


Subsequently there has been strong support for the parent teacher evenings, three - way conferences, swimming carnivals, Year 12 Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Breakfast, the Easter Service, Edu-Dance Concerts and other school events. Thank you too, to the parents who have volunteered in various parts of the School, visited the Chalk Café, attended excursions, assemblies, Identity Day and the Year 7 Encounter at Fairbridge. Your children gain so much from your active interest in their education and the busy life of the School.


Once in a while there are particularly special moments in schools and so it was last Friday when the participants in the Amana Living - John Wollaston Intergenerational Arts Initiative gathered in our Upper Primary building to celebrate the outcomes of their eight week project. The collaboration between residents from the Thomas Scott Hostel and our Upper Primary students produced inspiring artwork, song and stories. It was also the catalyst for friendship evidenced by the spontaneous laughter, tears and warm exchanges as the group reflected on their shared experience.


I would like to thank all involved in enabling this project to come to fruition; in particular, Amana Living, Thomas Scott Hostel, the Globe Town Project, staff members Fiona Shand, Katherine Stevens and Wayne Revitt, and the residents and children. We have plans afoot to grow our relationship with Amana Living and Thomas Scott Hostel in a number of exciting ways. I look forward to sharing them with you in due course.

On Sunday morning I attended the farewell service for the Cambodian pilgrims in the Rush Chapel at Frederick Irwin Anglican School. Led by the Chaplain of Frederick Irwin, Father Noel Oakey, 28 students and support staff from Frederick Irwin, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School and John Wollaston will be spending their April holidays on a Christian service learning trip to Cambodia. I wish our students Amber Heatherly, Christina Maddocks, Taylor Prothero, Chantelle Stubberfield and Shanae Passmore, accompanied by Deputy Principal Pastoral Care, Nick Jones, a safe and rewarding trip. I am sure it will be a life changing experience.


On Tuesday 9 April, 27 very excited students and three staff led by Head of Science and Technology, Stephen Fox embarked on the School's second trip to the USA. With an itinerary spanning multiple attractions in Washington DC, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale in Florida, the students will return with wonderful insights into the NASA Space Program and the nation's capital. We wish them a terrific holiday and a safe journey.


I wish to advise that Director of Administration, Nick Tanner will be on leave in Term 2. We wish him a time of refreshment and relaxation in the coming weeks. Head of Inclusive Education, Alice Alibrandi will step into the Administration portfolio and her experienced colleague Megan Lefroy will be Acting Head of Inclusive Education for Term 2 in addition to retaining her Primary Coordinator role.


I always extend thanks to the staff at the end of term. On this occasion I am particularly grateful for the two Administration staff who have filled in for my Personal Assistant, Susan Kirby during her extended absence. The Business Manager's Secretary,  Sonja Morfitt and the Deputy Principals' Secretary, Karen Uink have done a great job coordinating a very busy Principal's Office.


This morning the school community gathered for our annual Easter Service, led by The Most Reverend  Kay Goldsworthy AO  Archbishop of Perth. It was wonderful to have Archbishop Kay share this special occasion with us. O'Reilly the donkey led the Procession of students, staff and clergy to begin the holiest celebration for Christians. Through the season of Holy Week and Easter; most particularly Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day, we recognise that through Jesus' life, death and rising; our past, present and future are changed. Easter is the promise of new life for all.


I do hope you enjoy the April holiday break with your children. Our younger students, in particular, are very tired after a long term. I look forward to students resuming on Wednesday 1 May well rested and attired in winter uniform.


With best wishes.

Anne Ford
