

6 May to 10 May saw the second year of Languages Week at the College.


Throughout the week, students were given the opportunity to explore cultural aspects of Japanese and Italian, both in their Language classes and as cocurricular activities.


The staff and students enjoyed a wide range of experiences; from games, calligraphy, an Italian performance from Mission Gnocchi, a Japanese Rakugo comedy performance from Showko, making lanterns and fans, watching anime, eating pizza, garlic bread and gelato and an unforgettable Alta Moda Italiana fashion show.

A language and culture quiz ran throughout the week and the winners were Year 7s, Charlene Palatin and Hannah Scofield and Year 11, Brianna Horvatincic. A group of passionate Italian and Japanese senior students battled it out with the songs and lyrics challenge.  Competition was fierce and all the girls are to be commended for their enthusiastic participation.


The end of the week brought the official opening of the Languages Hub. In the weeks leading up to the event, staff and students worked together to create a cultural and language rich environment for classes and club activities to take place.


Much preparation and planning went into the organisation of the week and I would like to acknowledge our Year 12 Languages Captains, Isabella Nicholls and Mary Rose Killingsworth, for all the time and energy they put into coordinating activities.


Thank you to all who got involved and we look forward to the next exciting activities within the Languages Department.


Denise Dunne

Learning Leader: Languages

こんにちは / Buongiorno!

Last week was the 2019 Kilbreda Languages Week! Throughout the week we had various activities such as a Japanese animated movie called ‘Mary and the Witch’s Flower’ playing, some lyric games involving Japanese, Italian and Korean songs, as well as card games where everyone could get involved! We had an amazing turn out and everyone involved in the planning had such a fun and exciting time.


On Friday, we had the opening for the brand new Languages Hub which has been the result of a huge effort from various students across several year levels.


We, the language leaders, would like to give a HUGE thank you to all of the staff and students involved, and hope that everyone will continue to get involved in learning such a valuable skill!


Isabella Nicholls and Mary Rose Killingsworth

Languages Captains


This incursion was highly entertaining as well as informative. Showko made her performance exceptionally intriguing when telling her short Rakugo stories using only a pair of chopsticks and a small cloth as props to go along with it. She sat upon the stage and explained that it was more of a “sit-down” comedy rather than “stand-up”. It was a different yet enjoyable experience overall filled with constant laughter!

Vanessa Mok

Year 9


On the Wednesday during Languages Week, the Year 10 Japanese class had an incursion to learn how to do traditional Calligraphy. It's much more complicated than it looks!


At first, you need to be careful with the angle you are holding the brush and how long you hold it on the paper, among other things. Despite the difficulty it was really enjoyable and everyone created beautiful Calligraphy. We all learnt how to do the same Kanji which was . This Kanji can mean fun and 'to relax', but can also mean music in 音楽.


My favorite part of the activity was putting together all the different strokes we learnt into one completed Kanji symbol.

Amelia Scott

Year 10