Enrichment Day Update

On Monday 6 May, Year 11 and 12 VCAL students hosted Caroline from RSA for Schools who delivered the Responsible Service of Alcohol Course to them.


All students in attendance successfully completed the course and consequently now have one of the essential qualifications to work in the hospitality industry once they reach 18 years of age.


Students were required to demonstrate understanding of blood alcohol levels, characteristics of intoxication, pouring appropriate sized drinks (using water of course!!!) and finally, a multiple choice test.


This course was run as part of the VCAL Enrichment Day where on every Day 6, students are out and about in the community, or they are participating in structured courses to equip them with skills that they can then use in their working lives.


Upcoming VCAL Enrichment Days

  • Monday 20 May - Food Handling Course
  • Monday 3 June - Barista Course

VCAL Showcase Evening

Thursday 27 June

The VCAL showcase is an evening for students to share their successes over the semester with parents/family and friends.


Year 12 students will present a project that they have completed. Student folios and evidence of learning will also be on display. This is a compulsory event for all VCAL students.


More details and invitations will be released shortly.


Loretta McKail

VCAL Coordinator