Take note

Open Morning 

The College warmly invites all prospective families to our Open Morning. 


Join us on Tuesday 7 September for a guided tour, with the opportunity to speak with our students and staff, and see what we do during a regular morning at St Mary's College. 


Please note, enrolments for Year 7, 2023 close on Friday 10 September. Availabilities exist for some year levels in 2022. 


Tours will depart regularly from Reception (at the lower level Brisbane Street entrance) between 9.30am–11.30am. Bookings are essential via this link

Books, glorious books! 

Excitement is building as we prepare to celebrate Book Week, which will be held at St Mary's College from Monday 23 August to Friday 27 August.  


Our dedicated classroom teachers and teacher librarians are busily creating colourful displays and developing activities and competitions in line with this year's CBCA Book Week theme—'Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds'.


We are looking forward to spending one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. 


For the full Book Week program at St Mary's College, click here

Reading is 'pawsome'! 

It's time to dust off your favourite books and rediscover the magic of storytelling. In fact, why not take a leaf out of our beloved pets' books for recommendations? 


Check out a selection of the entries received in our Pet Reading Competition below, featuring some of our furry and feathery friends engrossed in a good read. Enjoy! 

Connecting families with the College

We've had a fantastic response to the email sent to all parents and carers last fortnight about initiatives to connect families with each other and the College. 


Thank you to everyone that has already RSVP’d for the (soon to be renamed) Presentation Families catch-up, volunteered to assist at the Father’s Day Breakfast, shared with us the name of the parent Facebook group for their child’s class, or volunteered to be a year group social representative.


New faces are always welcome and virtual attendance is an option for those that cannot make it to the boardroom for our next Families meeting at 5.30pm on Wednesday 25 August. Please RSVP here.


We still have a few spots to fill for the projects below. Please email the Community Relations office if you can assist.


Parent Facebook groups

Private Facebook groups remain one of the most popular ways to connect with families and speak to each other about items relevant to your child’s year group. 


Do you know of a current privately run Facebook group for parents in your child’s year group? Perhaps you’re part of a group that was created when your child started in Kinder? 


If so, please send the link or name to

communications@smc.tas.edu.au. This way we can share it with other parents in your child’s year group who might like to join. This can be especially helpful to new families joining the St Mary’s College community mid-year. 


This will not impact the way that you operate the group, and it can remain as a private group. It will, however, ensure that all parents and carers in your child’s year group are invited to join, rather than via word of mouth and friendship circles. 


Our aim is to ensure all families feel included and have a chance to connect.


Year group social representative

Another way we can connect with each other is by nominating a year group social representative. 


This person can be responsible for arranging casual social gatherings and can be the main point of contact with the St Mary’s College Community Relations office. 


They can engage others and delegate as necessary to arrange, for example, a barbecue or park play once each term, a dinner for the parents/carers or quiz night team. 


This is already naturally taking place in many year groups via the parent Facebook groups mentioned above. 


If you would like to put your hand up, or know of someone who would be suitable, please let us know at communications@smc.tas.edu.au.

Special treat for music lovers

You are warmly invited to join us in celebrating our students' musical achievements at our Music Gala Night on Thursday 2 September from 6.30pm in the Nagle Centre. 


This not-to-be-missed concert will feature performances from both our Junior and Senior School students in the choirs, string ensemble, rock band and concert band, along with our instrumental soloists and vocalists. 


Music performed is varied and will delight all in attendance, so please come along and enjoy an evening of entertainment while supporting our talented performers. 


To RSVP and reserve your tickets, click here.