House Update

With the conclusion of Term 3 approaching, we have to take a minute to wonder where has the time gone? Although this term has been disrupted by countless lockdowns and many people found their plans to be ruined, we still persevered in the face of such adversities.
We had remarkable participation from our house even from home. With people engaging in a multitude of the house competitions that had to be moved to an online setting. To name a few: Senior Debating, House Walk-A-Thon and the Dance Competition. It was really wonderful to see everyone’s contribution and commitment to our House’s community even from the confines of their own home.
Seeing members of the house put themselves forward, eager to contribute to the house was wonderful and only represented our fierce House Spirit. We also wish to extend a warm well done to our House Art team who secured us a win, earning us major house points. Your efforts are all appreciated. We hope to see how our house continues to flourish into the future with the favourable prospects of the House Cup on the horizon.
Nadine and Luke - Blackwood House Captains
Going back into lockdown has inevitably been quite tough on all of us but nevertheless, all our Cottrellians have shown such great participation and resilience during these past few weeks!
Rising from ashes together in green, Cottrell has indeed been rising with several achievements that as a house, we should all celebrate!
The year 12 senior Cottrell debating team took first place, leaving their mark as they wrote some amazing speeches on topics regarding free speech and Westernised literature!
The SCHS at home Olympics saw many of our Cottrellians showing off their talented skills, even breaking some personal records. Pulling close third, all Cottrellians kept active and maintained their house spirit as they engaged in the House Walkathon. As a house, we managed to walk a surreal total of 221.85km in just a day!
Not to mention, the iconic, and all-time favourite event, the Rubix Cube Relay race saw all of our Cottrell players rising to the occasion and dominating with the quickest time, and beating our previous record of 1:43!
Whilst this hasn’t been ideal, with major events being cancelled, the amount of engagement that is seen through these minor events have illustrated how passionate our Cottrellians are! It’s been an absolute privilege to watch you all!
Listening to all the candidates that applied for the 2021 Cottrell leadership positions and their reasons for why they believe they are suitable has shone a light on the amount of enthusiasm and passion that all our Cottrellians hold. But as house captains, it’s also made us realise that this fun ride that we are on is nearly coming to an end.
We just wanted to give a massive thank you to all our Cottrellians that have hopped on this journey with us. We hope you have all enjoyed us leading the house!
We are extremely proud of all our Cottrell Member’s efforts and are so excited for what the future holds for Cottrell! Go Cottrell!
Your 2021 House Captains,
Jenny Tran (C8) and Shawn Le (C8)
Cottrell House Captains
Despite being in lockdown once again, Kororoit was still participating in various activities and was able to maintain a positive attitude towards the House Program. It's been great to see all the teamwork and passion from all the Kororoitians and we couldn’t ask for much more!
During this lockdown, we had several competitions going on such as the Senior Debating, the Rubik’s Cube Race and the Dance Competition and all the while preparing for the Decennial Event coming up! Our fellow housemates were always committed and showed great comradeship in all events!
Last week, it was wonderful seeing so many people sign-up to participate in the House Chess. All of this comes to show just how persevering and strong-willed the students are. In whatever situation Kororoit has been in, we are still able to push ahead and still ensure they are doing what they enjoy and that’s what really matters most!
Furthermore, in our last House Assembly, we had a great turn out of students taking the initiative to present speeches for the 2022 Leadership Roles! We would like to congratulate the successful candidates and the best of luck for hopefully a rewarding year! For us, leadership roles have always been a part of our schooling because of its fulfilling nature, so we do encourage everyone to step out there and take on a role!
This year, the House Program has definitely been a difficult run to say the least. With the inconsistent lockdowns, we have certainly felt distant with one another. But as House Captains, we were truly honoured to be leading such a determined and resilient House. 2021 has been a wild ride and we’ve had a blast leading the mighty red team every step of the way! We are extremely proud of these Dragons and as much as we don’t want to say this, it's almost time to hand over our roles to the next keen bunch. It’s been an absolute honour to be your leaders and we hope you guys do the best in the coming years! Keep up the amazing work, because once a Dragon, always a Dragon!
Kathy Nguyenvu and Luca Chiavaroli
Kororoit House Captains
Hey Rothwellians! We have reached the end of another crazy term and we could not be more proud of all your efforts and participation during this time! With exams coming up and the final term of this year, we URGE you to take a long needed break whether that be going outside, binging netflix or hanging out with family, just block out school for a couple of days! Once again we want to thank you guys for making this term so successful and fun because without our Rothwell family, we definitely would have gone insane during these past few weeks! All the best to our VCE kids with exam revision and we know you’re all going to smash it!
Can’t wait to see all your beautiful faces next term! Get excited Rothwellians!!
Sandy and Sahithya, House Captains