Bridget Smith/Michael Kearton


The 4/5 classroom headed into the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden on Monday. Despite the chilly conditions, everyone got on with the job at hand. Next week we will be cooking in the kitchen.



Students have continued reading their novels this week. Our guided reading focus is on inferencing. Students are practising this comprehension strategy to apply to their independent reading tasks. Please continue to encourage your child to read at home. The best readers often show us great writing. Writing is centred on information writing at the moment. Last week, students attempted to write from the perspective of a rock climber clinging to a rope held by his partner, inspired by the story of the British climbers in Touching the Void. We used our senses to take the reader there. Here are some samples:


Into the darkness, I fell. I felt the hard ice against my skin as I kept falling… falling… falling - Mary E


My emotions grew like a vine as the voice in my head said “ you’ll die” - Jobe W


Howling wind rushed past my cold frozen ears. The cold air and snow swirled around like little ballerinas dressed in white - Isobel B


With an aching ankle - it was hard enough, but strangling on a rope, slipping an inch each second was too much - Leah P



We continue to move through our maths units. Students looked at Location and Transformation over the past fortnight and will focus on Fractions over the next fortnight. We have started by looking at the vocabulary of the unit. The following are words we will encounter:

equivalent fraction, half, third, quarter, whole, quantity, decimal, percentage, fraction, improper fraction, proper fraction, denominator and numerator