Staying in Touch

Preshil Archives
Work is ongoing with the Preshil Archives. Visitors are welcome to visit our archives room at Arlington on Wednesday mornings, preferably by appointment via
We have shared time with June McKenzie in discussion about our collection of aboriginal artefacts. We are still seeking to understand the origin of individual items.
Libby Shade & Felicity Renowden
Alumni Stories
Do you have a story to share with your fellow classmates? Perhaps a new business venture, a special achievement, a fond memory or have something to share with the wider community, please email us at
Careers and Pathways
We would love to hear from those members of our Alumni community who might be interested in coming to talk to our current students.
Our students love to hear from our past graduates for inspiration and this is particularly pertinent to our Years 10 to 12 students as they prepare for their future journeys.
If you would like more information or would like to come share something about your career pathway, what you studied, how you got started and/or what you are doing now to inspire our future generations, please contact our Careers Practitioner Bronte Howell
Professional Member of the Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV) Morrisby accredited Career Adviser
School Newsletters
If you would like to read our Arlington or Blackhall Kalimna school newsletters you can subscribe by emailing
Something to Share?
If you have any special concerts, exhibitions or information to share we would love to hear from you. Depending on when we receive the information we will make every effort to include it here in the Alumni Newsletter. Please email Alumni with any submissions.
Preshil will be celebrating our 90th Anniversary on Friday 8 December at our Summer Sol Festival being held at the Secondary Campus (Blackhall Kalimna). We welcome all Alumni to come and celebrate with the Preshil community from 3:30pm-7pm on Fri 8 December.
We are currently planning the 2024 event schedule and would love to host annual reunion events for all Alumni or for specific graduating classes. All feedback on the preferred format for future Alumni Reunions is welcome during this 2024 planning period via
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Updating Your Details
We would love to stay in touch but we are only able to contact those people whose email addresses we have, so we would appreciate you spreading the word to your family, friends and past classmates. They can easily join here.
Thank you to those who have already passed on their new details and we look forward to corresponding about future events and news. You can easily update your details on our new website here.
Alumni Contact
Lawrence Fox
Preshil's Communication & Marketing Manager
Alumni News