I have sat down numerous times to write this report in recent days. As a new Acting Principal, you hope to be writing your first report around the exciting events and activities happening within the school program. Today I write from a different perspective, with an overwhelming feeling of support and encouragement that I and MESC staff have received during this very difficult time. The emails and calls from our families, and messages via TEAMs from students have meant so much to all of us, and we value them sincerely. As Acting Principal, I may not get it right all of the time, but I can guarantee that all my decisions are made collaboratively and on balance, with the intent to do what is right and just for your students at this time.
I am so impressed by the resilience and fortitude displayed by our teaching and non-teaching staff. Ready to jump into remote learning and working with no fuss or complaint. Instead, they ask ‘How can I help?’, ‘What can we do to make sure the students are okay?’, ‘What extra activities can we organise outside of class time?’ Many of our teachers have young families, children completing VCE and caring for the elderly or vulnerable.
I often see teachers in meetings with students, parents and staff with child on hip, asking their children to wait for a snack while they finish a conversation or teaching at home at the same time as teaching your children in theirs. There are many industries that are working from home, but I can confidently say that teaching is unique and teachers are truly amazing. Again, teachers may not always get it right, but they always come from a good place, and they need your patience and understanding at this time.
And… to our students, saying it just isn’t fair is an under- statement. As young people you should be openly conversing with your teachers and peers in a rich learning environment, socialising at break times and enjoying all the extra- curricular activities our college has to offer. Your teachers and I are proud of the achievements you continue to make and appreciate how hard it is to remain confident and motivated. We do however, ask you to dig deep and make a real effort to remain connected and keep a routine. Remember that you have many people in your corner, reach out to your coordinators or the well- being team if you need support, or even just to chat.
In all the madness of COVID-19, we continue to plan for the 2022 Academic school year. We are excited to be expecting up to 175 students in year 7 next year. We look forward to welcoming all of our new families as we begin transition events in term 4.
Leading Teacher and Learning Specialist roles have come to the end of their tenure, we will be advertising these roles early next term.
After a successful Course Counselling, we are beginning to collate data and determine which classes are viable to run and determine whether recruitment in teaching is necessary. I understand there are questions around a substantive Principal for the college. It is not an answer I currently have, however, I am confident I will be in the Acting role until the end of the year.
Assessment and Reporting
We have had conversations at a Leadership level and at School Council regarding the understanding of assessment and reporting at the college, by our students and their parents/carers. With four frameworks at the college, Victorian Curriculum/IB MYP Framework/ VCE and VCAL, it is understandable that there lies some confusion about how teachers are assessing and making judgements on your student’s work. We do run information sessions at the junior level and senior level each year, but have reflected that it is probably not until parents/carers are immersed in CATS, SACs and progress reports, that questions arise. The way most parents/carers received feedback at school was based on scores and percentages that equated to a letter. Most adults are programmed to understand that a C is 70% and failing is to score below 50%. Current practices in assessment and reporting do not work this way anymore. In coming weeks, we intend to run a Webinar for our parents and carers, to explain the expectations we have of our teachers, our students and you as parents and carers around feedback.
Danielle Vaughan
Acting Principal