On 9 September, it was 'R U OK?' Day. This is a really important day in Australia, when we remind ourselves that it is crucial that we check on friends and family by asking them, "are you ok?" and talking about their feelings, challenges and problems. 


This is especially important at the moment during our sixth period of Home Learning in Melbourne, so M.P.S. encouraged these conversations, did various activities in different year levels, and created a school Padlet for kids to add things that might make others (or themselves!) smile... Here are what some of the students at Murrumbeena Primary School said!


Sasha (Year 6) said that listening to Mamma Mia reminded her of when she first sang to the school and it makes her feel reminiscent and it reminds her of when she performed at concerts in a group called “YABC”. Mamma Mia always puts a smile on her face.

Mr Woollan loves the thought of food, that makes him happy - back in 2019 his family in Japan, they went cherry blossom viewing and ate these delicious bentos! 

Gwendolyn (Year 3) loves reading and it makes her very happy.


Sarah (Year 6) posted this adorable photograph of her puppy after getting his first groom. The photo and his cute little face gave her and her family a good laugh!

Isabella (Year 4) loves plants, and having plants around her makes her happy because they grow, just like we do!

Ms. Perera loves daffodils, her "happy flower". She has lots of memories about seeing daffodils when she was little. These gorgeous daffodils put a huge smile on her face.


Even though 'R U OK?' Day has passed for another year, please don't forget to continue checking in on your friends and family, and doing small acts of kindness to put a smile on others' faces.


By Evie and Miss Callanan 5C.

(Thank you to Miss Dunshea for putting the Padlet together!)