St Mary's Parish Men's Ministry Group 

This group is currently looking at the Australian Men’s Catholic Gathering 2021, an on-line seminar organised by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. The presentation that we looked at recently is called MAN OF SERVICE. The presenter is Tim Davis. The group was so impressed by Tim’s various messages that we believed that it should be shared widely throughout our parish, and probably further than that.


So, on behalf of the Men’s Ministry team, we recommend this session from the Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering 2021 to you The presentation is introduced by Robert Falzon.


Once we looked at this presentation, we reflected on the following questions:

1. Who are the people in my life I am called to serve and how am I called to serve them?

2. What challenges (internal and external) am I facing in serving those I am called to serve?

3. What strategy will I focus on this week to enable me to serve more effectively (Prayer, Sacraments, Scripture etc)? What concrete action will I do today to make it happen?

4. If I was asked to deliver my 30-second ‘Elevator Testimony’ to explain to someone why I am Catholic, what would I say?


Brendan Shingles

St Mary’s Parish Men’s Ministry Group