BPS excited to get back to onsite learning

Picture Courtesy Alex Coppel/Herald Sun

It was exciting to see Prep – Grade 6 students return to Brighton Primary School last Monday 12th October after an extended period of time of learning from home. The students settled quickly into their school routine despite the extended absence. Parents were also excited and relieved to see their child/ren return to school after supporting learning at home for most of Term 2 and Term 3. We have heard from many parents that they have a newfound appreciation for the complexity of teaching and learning after supporting and guiding the learning process during this challenging time.


Overall, the parent feedback we have received about our remote learning program has been incredibly positive and supportive. We also want to acknowledge and thank our parents for the active role they have played by working in partnership with our teachers to support our students while learning from home. We also want to extend our appreciation to our teachers and staff for their hard work in ensuring our remote learning program was successful.


Research shows that educational experiences that are active, social, contextual, engaging, and student-owned lead to deeper learning. While our remote learning program included these elements, we strongly believe that the classroom is the best place to ensure this deep learning. Despite the challenges of remote learning, there were many positive takeaways; everyone’s technology skills have really improved, and we have seen increased oral language development in many students as a result of the daily video conferencing with their teacher and classmates.


Joel & Steve


Steve Meade | Principal

Joel Snowden  | Assistant Principal