school council 

Finance Committee 


It is hard to believe that we are now 9 months into 2020 already, given that most of us have spent a good part of it at home! It has certainly been a very eventful year… From a Finance Committee perspective, this has certainly presented some challenges as to how the School manages its financial position. 


The BNW leadership team has been working extremely hard to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape. A review of our 2020 budget was recently completed, and a revised budget for the remaining 6 months of 2020 was presented to School Council and accepted. 


Key highlights from the revised budget includes revised income and expenditure at ~60% of the original budgeted amounts. The reduction in income primarily reflects the reduction in OSHC and Sprout operations, as well as cancellation of most planned fundraising activities for the foreseeable future. Conversely, the reduction in expenditure reflects a decrease in daily operating expenditure from reduced student numbers attending school on site due to the restrictions currently in place. 


The revised budget more accurately reflects the changed operating circumstances within the School, and in no way at all compromises the quality of teaching that our children are receiving. 


The Finance Committee will continue to work closely with the BNW Leadership team to ensure that we are well placed to manage any road bumps that may arise over the remaining course of the year. 


In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or email


Lilian Lim

School Council Treasurer