Looking Forward

Steve Venour – Head of Secondary

This term we have finalised some appointments for Term 4 and into 2021.  


Stephen Said, an experienced youth worker with a previous history at Donvale (he launched our Urban Mission program) who has worked with TEAR, UNH and Tabor College (when it was Tabor!), will join the staff in a part-time capacity.  His role is to strengthen the faith formation of our senior students, extending the work done by Nat Ayton and others. Part of his brief is to help develop a model of discipleship and mentoring that will help and support students into their first few years beyond Donvale. 


Adam Bryant, current chaplain at Ringwood Secondary, will start working with us, again in a part-time capacity, with an emphasis on supporting the faith and well-being of our Junior Secondary students.  


Finally, Rebecca Hunter will step into a new role. Its purpose is about Learning enrichment and innovation. It includes the linking of industry, the development of a strategic approach to co-curricular learning activities, and the development and integration of the ‘soft’ adaptable skills mastery that modern workplaces are increasingly seeking. 


So there is much afoot with some exciting initiatives before us. And much still to do. We really miss the students and pray that the break is refreshing for us all, that God meets us where we are at, that the Year 12’s can stay motivated and focused, finishing  well and that the whole school is able to return sooner than stated.