Healthy News 


Congratulations on the huge effort you have all put in over the term. It is time to stop and celebrate our achievements big and small. The highlights of Term 3 for me, have definitely been HPE DAY and seeing the students being active during PE Live lessons. 

Over the last few weeks of term we have also explored Healthy Eating and Hydration. Next term in HPE there will be a big focus on exploring a healthy positive mindset.


A few tips for keeping a positive mental health over the holidays for adults and children are to:

  • Talk about or express your feelings
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy meals
  • Get enough sleep
  • Spend time with friends and loved ones (within Covid-safe guidelines)
  • Develop new skills
  • Relax and enjoy your hobbies
  • Set realistic goals
  • Talk to your GP or a health professional

Also check out the ‘Health Promotion: Iso Activities for Kids’ website below.

Our bodies and minds need to rest as much as we need physical activity. So enjoy the sleeping in and movie times with your family. Once you are ready to be active and have some fun check out the exercise section. I particularly like the ‘Interactive Daily walks’, Dance, Soccer and Basketball active ideas and especially the ‘Quiet time activities” on this site. (Scroll down to the Exercise for Indoors and Outdoors Section to view the options.)

Jarn Osman - PE