From the Principal

What a relief!

The experience of walking around the Arlington playgrounds on Monday morning was every bit as joyful as anticipated, but what came as a surprise to me was the enormous sense of relief. Things were as they should be once again – at least in this small part of the world!


At lunchtime children were “covering large sheets of paper with bright colours”, as Greta Lyttle had so encouraged. They were digging, climbing, building and playing games. The cubbies were once again under construction; even though we discovered all the tools had been locked away, these resourceful builders had found one stray hammer and were doing a remarkable job of negotiating and sharing its use! The older children were ‘hanging out’, catching up with their friends and clearly delighted to be back in their favourite spaces, in the garden, the house and their classrooms. 


I love that Preshil has always welcomed children into all parts of the School; to come across a very busy group of children absorbed in some activity in the formal Sitting Room is a powerful reminder that it is, after all, their School, to be shared respectfully with the teachers and administrators as they all go about their work.


Cressida , Rob and our excellent cleaner, Lance, have devoted hours to clearing out and reorganising the Kevin Borland Hall, which has seemed to attract all manner of objects that have been left behind or have no other legitimate home. Cressida has been on a mission to ensure that it is a space where the children can also play, without the concern for fragile musical instruments, potential tripping hazards and random, discarded equipment and furniture. Cleared and refurbished with some marvelous circus curtains adding to the atmosphere, it is returned to all its glory and the children were quick to realise its potential as another area for dancing, and play-acting.


Every classroom shows the efforts of our teachers to make the spaces welcoming and inspiring. Just add children.


We have been lucky to return to glorious spring weather which added to the atmosphere of new beginnings and optimism for the future. Similarly, so many of the children seem to have grown – and of course they have; it has been months, and it must be quite surprising even to the children themselves to have kept an image of their friends in mind only to have a taller version suddenly appear!


I know that many parents are also experiencing that sense of relief that their children are safely back at school with their friends, with their teachers and with a renewed opportunity to learn and catch up as we approach the end of the year. With all this excitement and relief, we know that there are still many reasons for potential anxiety and trepidation with this return. We know that many families have struggled through this time, that many have stories of hardship and serious hurt.


Please feel welcome to reach out to our classroom teachers, to Cressida and to Amir to let them know any information you may wish to share that might assist your child’s smooth and supported transition back to Arlington.


‘There is a tremendous busyness among its kids, teachers and parents, not only in observable achievements, but more importantly in the many nattering conversations which have to happen constantly if we are to keep, or perhaps find, the ‘Group Mind’ which is at the centre and controls all that is challenging and valuable at Preshil. This urge which so many of us have to comment, question, suggest and negotiate can be exhausting, yet it is important indeed and is the basis of our achievements whether with relationships, schooling or buildings.’ - Margaret E Lyttle 1986


During my walk around our beautiful school on Monday I was reminded of this vivid image painted by the second Margaret (Mug) Lyttle. Children in the right conditions are very busy people, actively learning at a rate few adults can keep up with. But it struck me that the missing piece in our return to school is the freedom and the frequency of parents to be an active part of all the busyness.


We so look forward to the time when we can have you back, to have those casual conversations and interactions that cement the feeling of community and provide the crucial link between home and school. 


Thank you to all who have sent me so many lovely messages in acknowledgement of my retirement. I look forward to welcoming Natalie Jensen back later in the term – and hopefully catching up with all of you as we say goodbye to this exhausting year of 2020.

Marilyn Smith 
