Term 3 Week 8

Home Learning



This week in Reading we will be focusing on the picture story book "Luke's Way Of Looking" by Nadia Wheatley. Students will be completing a 'Literacy Menu' throughout the week with different tasks relating to the book. The literacy menu tasks focus on the skills of reading with expression and fluency, anaylsing the text and summarising.  This week in Reading groups the students will be practising the skill of summarising and finding the main idea of the text. 




Last week students explored the purpose and nature of the writing form 'Poetry'. They focused on understanding how word choice is key to expressing thoughts, emotions and entertaining the reader. This week they will learn about Shape poems. Following the stages of the writing process they will develop ideas through to publishing their own written work in a Shape poem. 


Word Study

We have now switched from reading the codes, to writing the codes. Students are told the sounds and are required to recall the letters that make up that code. For many students this may prove easier, but for a number it may be quite a challenge.


Number and Algebra

This week the students will be completing a post assessment to demonstrate their learning and understanding of Multiplication. Students are to complete these tasks independently. They  will be looking at fact families and the relationship between multiplication and division through creating their own and online games.

Measurement and Geometry.

This week students will complete a post assessment to demonstrate their learning and understanding of Mass. We ask that students complete this independently without adult assistance so we can get a true reflection of their progress and growth. To link in with our unit of inquiry, students will explore how shapes and elements of mathematical geometry are used in art. Using symmetry and the seven pieces of a tangram they can creatively design images demonstrating mathematics in art. 

Unit of Inquiry

This week we will focus on the concepts of appreciation and perspective and how they are significant in understanding all forms of art. Through looking at different art works, students will consider how their personal opinion is related to their own perspective and does not influence their level of appreciation. 



The theme for this week’s challenge is ‘Mindfulness Through Creativity’. Being immersed in a creative activity is a way of being mindful, allowing the mind time to rest and recharge. The students are invited to participate in five creative challenges and to come up with some of their own. 

First Aid In Schools

On Monday 7th September, we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with St Johns Ambulance (Australia) and complete a 'First Aid in Schools' course with the students. Your child's teacher will send out the Zoom link that students will need to connect with this session. All class teachers will be in attendance at these sessions.


Session times are as follows:

3D - 10am - 11am

3A - 11am - 12pm

3C - 12pm - 1pm

3B - 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Grade 3 Team (Week 8)

As many of you know, our Grade 3 teachers have shuffled slightly to accommodate Mr Bill Kolivas' absence over the last few weeks. Thank you to those who have shown concern for Bill. We will pass on your best wishes to him.

For this week, the following teachers will be working with the following classes:


3A - Sylvia Zanati  



3B - Georgia Kirk



3C - Amanda Kerr 



3D - Shae Langford-Jones 

& Tammy Rowed (student teacher)
