Assistant Principals' Report

'Ga-Ga' Court

Your child may have mentioned 'Ga-Ga'.     'Ga-Ga' is a new game at school that started last week.


'Ga-Ga' (literally 'touch-touch' in Hebrew) is a variant of dodgeball that is played with a volleyball. The game combines dodging, striking, running and jumping, with the winner being the last person standing. Players hit the ball at each other and are eliminated if the ball strikes them below the knees.


The 2014 Student Representative Council first initiated the idea of Concord School having a 'Ga-Ga' court after a camp at Blackwood last year. The initiative came primarily from Robbie P (SJH). The SRC researched designs and court sizes, they then decided where it should be positioned in the school grounds. Our Maintenance Manager Ken McDowell and Horticulture Instructor Dave Battistella, along with a group of students built the court.  A big thanks to them for their hard work and the excellent result.


Robbie P and the 2015 SRC officially opened the 'Ga-Ga Court on Thursday 13th August. So far it has been extremely popular with students from across the school and the SRC are feeling very proud of their achievement.


The photos show Ken and Dave who led the building of the court, the 2015 SRC with Robbie holding the ball and a couple of actions shots of students playing 'Ga-Ga'.



Kirrily Lamers, Colin Simpson and Kath Moore

Assistant Principals