Principal Update

Principal’s Message
My thoughts and best wishes are with all members of our School Community during the challenging times we are now facing. As you are aware, all schools have had to adjust quickly to provide Remote Learning this term. I appreciate the hard work of our school staff and the support we have received from our CSC families during this major transition. I have tried to email regular Remote Learning updates over the past 5-6 weeks, but I am aware that some parents have missed a few of these updates. Here are the most recent reminders I sent (April 30):
Parent Survey
Thank you to the 82 parents and carers who responded to the survey I issued after the first week of Remote Learning. It was encouraging to receive so much positive feedback (thank-you!) as well as constructive ideas for improving our provision of Remote Learning. Where possible, we are trying to refine our approaches to Remote Learning to address the areas for improvement suggested through the survey. It's been encouraging to hear from so many parents and guardians (through the survey and other forms of feedback to us) that their children are engaging well with their online lessons. Nevertheless, I also acknowledge that a small number of parents have expressed concern about students not engaging in Remote Learning. As a school, we are trying our best to follow-up with these students and their families; however, I also urge concerned families to contact the school if they require support.
Recording of student attendance while learning remotely
The Department of Education and Training (DET) still requires us to submit daily student "attendance" records during this period of Remote Learning. I have therefore asked teachers to mark rolls on XUNO for each class. Teachers have been instructed to mark students "present" if they can see them engaging in online learning for that particular class or if they aware that the student has an approved arrangement to complete work "offline" and they are keeping up to date with their work. I am aware that there is "margin for error" with this approach, but we are doing our best to keep a record of which students are engaging with school each day. You will be able to see your child's attendance record on XUNO. Please let us know if you believe we might have made a mistake so that we can amend our records if necessary. I also ask parents and guardians to please leave a message on our Absence Line (5479 1150) or email us ( whenever your child is ill or unable to participate in their Remote Learning for any other reason. We will then acknowledge this as an "Unexplained Absence" on your child's attendance record.
A specific issue with google meets
We have had occasional reports of students engaging in Google Meets (i.e. class video link-ups) from their beds, in pyjamas and in other unusually casual forms of dress. I have reminded all students via a XUNO message that they should always be set-up in a suitable workspace (the best chair and desk space available to them at home) for their Remote Learning and dressed appropriately for their Google Meets. Could I please ask parents and guardians to reinforce this expectation at home?
School Council
Our School Council Annual General Meeting could not take place in its usual form on March 25 due to the Covid-19 lockdowns. However, our newly elected Council still met via video-link. I am pleased to announce that the following office-bearers were elected for the next 12 months:
School Council President – Beth Mellick
School Council Vice-President – Paul O’Connor
Treasurer – Dean Bridgfoot
We also welcomed the following new School Council members: Marcus Bennett, Jessica Howard (parent representatives), Christian Vejar and Michael Penrose (student representatives).
Building Update
The Covid-19 lockdown has not had a significant impact on the progress of our building works. We are still on track to move into the new Library and Administration Building and the extensions to the Performers Building by the start of Term Three. The Artisans’ Building is still scheduled for completion by September 30. There are some recent photos of our building works posted on our school Instagram page.
Paul Frye
Laptop Borrowing Process Coming
When students come back onsite we will trial individual borrowing of laptops from the library.
- All CSC laptops would be stored in the library and students could borrow these on an individual basis.
- This would be similar to borrowing a library book.
- Students would be able to borrow before 9am, and return at recess, lunchtime or after-school.
- The system would allow us to track which students are borrowing laptops regularly and make contact with home to provide appropriate support to possibly purchase a laptop.
Rationale for revised process
- Encouraging students to take more responsibility in being ready to learn.
- Many students who legitimately need a laptop, often miss out because laptops are often used by students who have their own device, but haven't brought it to class/school.
- Tracking damage to laptops is really difficult when large numbers are borrowed by one class.
- Students often don't bring their own device because school laptops are made readily available.
- Valuable class time is wasted by students having to collect and return laptops during class time.
XUNO application and student attendance
All families should download the XUNO Family phone application. This application can provide easy to access information to parents in a very convenient way.
During the term we will start communicating to families using the application. The login details for each family will remain the same, with the school code being 6dv79a. If you require any assistance please contact the College.
Justin Hird
Assistant Principal