French Crepe Day

French Crepe Day

On the 7th of December, the Year 7 and 8 SEAL class participated in a crepe making day.  If you'd like to give it a go, here is the recipe:


250g of plain flour

2 eggs

1 pinch of salt

350ml of milk

200ml of water

A teaspoon of butter



1. Sift the flour into a big bowl.

2. Beat the eggs in a small bowl.

3. Add a pinch of salt (into the small bowl).

4. Pour the eggs into the big bowl.

5. Little by little pour the milk and water into      the big bowl. Mix well with a whisk.

6. Light the gas and place a fry pan on top.

7. Place the butter into the fry pan.

8. Pour the crepe mix into the pan.

9. Let the crepe cook.

10. Flip the crepe.

11. Ten seconds later slide the crepe onto a             plate.


Recipe translated from: Sudlow, C (2007), ‘Ça roule! Teacher’s Resource 1’, Pearson Education Australia, p. 50.



French and EAL Teacher