Volunteer's Morning Tea

Volunteer's Morning Tea

On the 25th of October, the staff had a special morning tea to celebrate and acknowledge the support we receive from several volunteers in the Melton community.


The EAL Team would like to thank Dawn Harrison, Glenda Lind, Patricia Dean, Rosaleen Rowe, Brenda Sanders and Anne Kelly for helping our students with their reading conferences during tutorial groups.


The students have all benefited from all the volunteers coming to assist them.  Several students have graduated from the program, and others topped in the whole school competition for Literacy Planet.

The Wellbeing Team would also like to acknowledge the tremendous contribution made by the Breakfast Club volunteers who attend Staughton twice a week to provide food and refreshments to all our students.


We would also like to recognise the contribution that a number of our students make in assisting with breakfast club duties. These students regularly volunteer their mornings to help cook toast and serve hot Milo. Without the dedicated efforts of these students and volunteers, Breakfast Club would not be possible.