Cultural Family Picnic

Cultural Family Picnic

On the 13th of October, we held our second annual Cultural Family Picnic.  We are happy to say that this year's event was bigger and better, with our usual sausage sizzle, face painting, special live performances, now topped off with our free jumping castle.


From 3:30 to 6:00 pm,  our students serenaded us with song and dance, and we had fun with a students vs. teachers game.

We would like to thank the staff, students and families who came out to support the event.  It was one of the many wonderful ways we celebrate the diversity at our college.

We also had special guests from VICSEG New Futures, the Melton City Council, and the Melton Police. Thank you to Abraham Jongroor, Essan Dileri, and Sergeant Kevin Dans and company.