School News


Please see the attached document for the proposed camps for 2018/19. this includes dates and approximate costs.

XUNO app

Did you know that XUNO have a notifications app.

Download the app from all the usual places for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

You will need to enter the school code which is: ht8s1r  and well as your XUNO username and password.

Once installed you will receive notifications for new Internal Messages, new Calendar items, new News items and much more. 

At this stage you will still need to log into XUNO to see all other information.


If any parents have recently received a new Health care card or pension card you may be eligible for CSEF funding which will go towards any camps or excursions your child may want to go on. Please bring it into the office as soon as you can so we can apply for your funding on your behalf.


Mindfulness meditation practice is being increasingly used in mainstream Australian society.   A recent study conducted by the Department of Education in collaboration with Smiling Mind positively evaluated the impact of mindfulness education in the classroom. An increasing number of schools and workplaces are recognising the benefits of promoting mindfulness. In fact, the practice is currently being promoted with teaching staff at Wanganui.

Mindfulness is easy to learn.

Mindfulness develops skills in mental awareness, attention, and acceptance that is associated with numerous health benefits. Mindfulness training allows practitioners to develop a deeper understanding of the mind, and a more accepting and compassionate relationship to their internal and external experiences. It involves guided exercises, including meditation, to help individuals become aware of automatic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, and learn to respond in more effective ways.

Mindfulness meditation has been shown to help people of all ages stress less, focus more and even sleep better .A systematic review of 17 mindfulness based stress reduction programs found them to be effective in reducing physiological and psychological symptoms of stress. A review of randomised controlled trials for insomnia found that 8 weeks of in-person meditation training significantly improved total waking time and sleep quality in patients with insomnia.

There are many free apps available to download which explain the theory, benefits and practice of mindfulness.

The Headspace app offers hundreds of themed sessions on everything from stress to sleep. It includes:

Bite sized meditations for busy schedules

SOS exercises for cases of sudden meltdowns

Headspace is meditation made simple

Findings suggest that novice meditators can experience improved working memory, executive functions and ability to process visual information in just 4 days

Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind is a not for profit organisation that works to make mindfulness meditation accessible to all

The free app delivers the proven benefits of mindfulness meditation to children and adults. It is easy to use and supported by training programs. The app has 42 sessions and can be tailored to your needs.

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.