Cranbourne Campus News

Subject Selection – a chance for dialogue

While it seems too early to be thinking about next year, we are now a little over half way and planning for the 2022 school year, is well underway. Last week the Year 9 students were involved in the Try a VET day and other year levels were involved in the Futures Expo on Monday.

A joy of getting older, in a school sense, is that as we progress through the years, students are offered more choice about the pathway and subjects available to them. The dialogue about ‘what I want to do next year’, will be happening with learning experts at school, with teachers and with peers and so it is a great opportunity for that same dialogue to enter your home. Take the opportunity to ask about your child’s choices, what has motivated them and what it is they think that the given subject selection or pathway will offer them. As they work with you to reflect on the way forward, you are deepening their own understanding of the process, their selections and the opportunities that a College like St. Peter’s College has for them. Being well informed is the necessary ingredient of good decision making!

Student Leadership

While on the topic of dialogue in the home, the other topic that should be coming up for those parents of Year 10 and 11 students is Student Leadership for 2022. During the course of this term the Year 11 students will be going through the nomination, interview and voting process required to elect their Student Leadership Executive team for 2022. Year 10 and 11 students will also have the opportunity to nominate and be chosen as one of our 16 House Leaders for 2022. More will be said about student leadership through other Newsletters in coming issues however it is timely for parents and guardians to be having conversations in the home encouraging their young person to reflect on what they could offer to their classmates and to the College, as a formal leader in 2022.

Empowering parents to reinforce study skills free webinars

Elevate Education is a company that we at St. Peter's College have used to support the development of Study Skills, Time Management and Exam skills in our Year 12 students. The beauty of a company like Elevate Education is that they reinforce the advice, techniques and skills that our St. Peter's College staff are constantly seeking to develop in (and for) our students.  Our College partnership with Elevate Education is such that you as the parents and guardians of St. Peter’s College get free access to a number of Parent webinars that they run mostly in the evenings. Seminars like Technology, Effective Notetaking and Exam – the Homestretch. These sessions are designed to give you practical advice to empower parents to be able to reinforce the necessary skills for your child to maximise their potential in VCAL and VCE.

Please find below the registration link inclusive of the dates and titles of the various parent webinars.


Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus