Buildings and Grounds update

Holiday Works
Senior Locker Bay
We have received a great deal of feedback from our Senior students about their new locker bay. Generally the feedback has been positive, with students enjoying their new space and the access to their lockers from their classrooms. There has been some feedback about how tightly packed the lockers are in their bays. There were also teething issues with the roller doors.
As such, we have engaged with our original builders to build another locker bay along the walk way to the new Senior building. This will allow us to space out the lockers and ensure that all students have access to the locker bay.
Link Corridor
Further work will be undertaken on the link corridor over the holidays. with the completion of the re-roofing of the D and A blocks near the Link corridor, we are now able to re-plaster and paint the corridor. In future holiday periods, we will re-surface the flooring.
Roofing Works
Winter has arrived, and with winter comes the rain. We have been completing re-roofing work across the school over the past 12 months, and this holidays see further work to the Admin building and Staff room.
Other work
Thanks to all of the students who have provided feedback about the bike shed and its future location. With ever increasing numbers of students riding to school, and our old bike shed demolished as part of the summer works, we are currently using a temporary location for the bike shed. While it will not be finished for the start of Term 3, we will be beginning the work on a new undercover bike shed for student use these holidays.