Principal's Report

A message from the Principal

Well done on Semester 1


As we come to the end of Semester 1, it is timely to reflect on what has been achieved so far this year. This year has again been a year in which we live and learn with the impacts of COVID looming over us. The impact of restrictions and remote learning are significant on our young people, as they are on all people. Our teaching staff do an amazing job in providing targeted, engaging, challenging and accessible  teaching and learning for our students regardless of lock-downs, remote learning, face to face teaching,  video lessons or the use of Compass or Microsoft Teams. They also do an amazing job at providing a consistent level of 'normalcy' in these uncertain times. I would like to publicly acknowledge their exceptional work this year and encourage them to have a well-deserved break over the holidays. 


I would also like to thank all of our families. Your support of us as a school, and your children through remote learning, normal learning and everything that goes with these uncertain times has been exceptional. Finally , congratulations to our students. With two lock-downs this semester, the impact on completing their courses of study has required them to be both resilient and  self-organised in their approach to learning. We are very proud of what they have achieved.  


Speaking of achievement, it is the achievement of our students that has recently been recognised with an article in the Herald Sun newspaper. Our students' achievement in Literacy and Numeracy in the NAPLAN has seen Reservoir High recognised as a 'Top Academically Performing' school. This success was also acknowledged by our local member for Preston, Mr Robin Scott this week with an address in Parliament. Mr Scott praised Reservoir High as a wonderful school in his electorate and congratulated the students, staff and families of the school for their achievement that outperforms and excels. Well done to all. 



Curriculum Day- Term 3


Please note that students return to school in Term 3 on Tuesday 13 July at 8.40am. Monday 12 July is a school curriculum day with all staff involved in on-going professional learning. The General Office will be closed on Monday 12 July between 8.30am and 11.00am  


Cultural Diversity Week


This past week has seen Reservoir High celebrate Cultural Diversity week.  As a school, we acknowledge, support and celebrate our diversity. Our diversity incorporates students and staff from over 65 different cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds, and a diverse choice of lifestyles.


 I am proud to be Principal of such an amazing school and school community. As I have said many times, the respect of each and every one of our students for the diversity in our school is something that other people in Australia can learn a great deal from. However,  respect and understanding is something that we all need to continue to work on. It is a key School value, the respect we give to each other regardless of cultural , linguistic or religious diversity, or the diversity in our lifestyle choices. And we show that respect through our mantra, of Kind, Safe and Fair. To continue our high levels of respect for each other, and our own personal history as well as our goals for the future, we continue to work with our students and community to show kindness to each other, to be fair to the learning of every other student and to be safe to others, and ensure that every student and staff member plays their role in keeping Reservoir High as a safe place for everyone in our community.





Usually, Reports would be published to students and families in this last week of term. Due to remote learning during the peak assessment time of the semester, our reports will be published to parents at the end of Week 1 of next term (Friday 16 July).


Families will notice that our reports look a little different to previous reports. Our reports still indicate your child's achievement against the Victorian Curriculum Standards in each subject and progress against Approaches to Learning. The difference you will see is that we assess and report against CATs- or Common Assessment Tasks. The feedback to all CATs are available in Compass (through the Learning Tasks tab) as the task is completed. The comments  are also 'pushed' to the Semester report. The idea is to provided continuous feedback on student achievement across the semester, rather than wait until the end of the semester. 


So while the reports will not be available until next term, all students and families can access feedback from across the whole semester through the 'Learning Task' tab on Compass at any time.