R.E. News
RE Focus / Units for Term 3
In Term 3, our RE units are focusing on the concepts of forgiveness, reconciliation and social justice.
Year F / 1: Love One Another
Year 2: God Loves Us No Matter What
Year 3 / 4: Making Choices
Years 5 & 6: Mission Possible
The students in 3 / 4 are exploring the choices they are called to make and the consequences of their choices. They are learning about the freedom to choose given to them by God and about building relationships based on respect and individual differences. Students are recognising that everyone is unique with their own gift and talents. They are becoming aware that they are called to use their gifts in a responsible and just manner.
Sacrament of Confirmation
The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Year 6 candidates has been rescheduled for Sunday 22nd of August, at the 10:00 am Parish Mass. We pray for our candidates as they prepare to receive this important sacrament: Tia, Bella, Isla, Chloe, Dale, Dominic, Luke and Wshuti.
The Catholic Church is acknowledging and celebrating two important events during the next two weeks: The Feast of St Mary of the Cross and The Assumption of Our Lady.
St Mary of the Cross –
8th August
The feast day of St Mary of the Cross is acknowledged on Sunday 8th August this year. Our Year 5 & 6 students will be presenting a liturgy on Friday 6th August to recognise this important event in the Catholic Church in Australia.
Mary MacKillop’s Story
Mary was born in Victoria to Scottish immigrants. She was the eldest of eight children and spent her early years working to support her family. At the age of 24 she dedicated her life to God and took on the name “Mary of the Cross”.
Along with Fr Julian Tenison-Woods, Mary opened a school in a disused stable in Penola, South Australia. Her vision was to provide education for underprivileged children. Many other women came to join her there, and Mary and Julian founded Australia’s first religious order, The Sisters of St Joseph. Mary and the Sisters were committed to serving the poor – by going to where the need was and living amongst those in need. This took Mary all over Australia to many rural areas. Mary suffered a stroke in 1902 and was an invalid until her death on August 8, 1909.
In June 1995 Mary MacKillop was beatified by Pope John Paul II, and in February 2010, Pope Benedict XVI recognized Mary MacKillop as a saint. She was canonized on October 17th 2010.
Mary faced fierce opposition throughout her life. In the face of trial, Mary was a model of forgiveness, insisting no ill be spoken of those who wronged her, while also remaining resolute in her convictions. Mary was remarkable as a strong female leader in 19th century Australia. Education in this country is what it is today thanks to her dedication and determination.
“We pray in thanksgiving for the life of Mary MacKillop and her influence in our lives.
We pray for all those who have been influenced by Mary MacKillop to work for the common good.
We pray to have the respect for the marginalised and abandoned that Mary MacKillop showed in her living.
God of hope, hear our prayers and hopes spoken aloud and help in our hearts. We ask this in the name of Jesus, … and the Spirit of community.” (Act, Love, Walk. Gilroy, p.33)
The Feast of the Assumption – 15th August
On Sunday 15th August, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of the Assumption of Our Lady when according to our faith, the Holy Mother, “having completed her course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory”.
The Assumption signals the end of Mary’s earthly life and marks her return to heaven to be reunited with Jesus. While the bodies of both Jesus and Mary are now in heaven, there is a difference between the Assumption and the Resurrection. Where Jesus arose from the tomb and ascended into heaven by his own power, Mary’s body was taken up to heaven by the power of her Son. For this reason, we use different words to describe each event. One is the Ascension of Christ and the other, the Assumption of Mary. (The Catholic Weekly, Staff Writers, August 12, 2011)
Even though Mary was assumed into Heaven, she is always with us. On the Feast of the Assumption, let us remember our Mother who is in Heaven and who loves us very much. The Assumption is the fourth Glorious Mystery in the Rosary. So, every time we pray the Rosary we can remember that she is always with us and that she loves us more than anyone else on earth could!
Margaret Cronin
Religious Education Leader