Faith and Mission

Danny Franc 

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” – John 13:34


As we keep reminding our students during masses and liturgies, it is important that we “Remember the power of love” and we can do this by “being on earth, the heart of God”.

At times when we are encour9aged to be more aware of what we as individuals are doing, by way of checking in everywhere we go, and ensuring we are safe in times of a pandemic, this message can sometimes be forgotten in practice. Every opportunity we get to live this should be celebrated, and our Sacred Heart Day celebrations were such an occasion.

Ned Bennett Year 12
Adriene Dawson & Felicity Shaw Year 10
Oliver Homer Year 7
Year 12 Girls
Year 12 Boys
Jacob Hill Year 12
Aisha Hendriks Year 12 & Zara Kruger Year 11
Will Hausler Year 12 & Mr Minney
Mia Spong & Matilda Mason Year 7
Ned Bennett Year 12
Adriene Dawson & Felicity Shaw Year 10
Oliver Homer Year 7
Year 12 Girls
Year 12 Boys
Jacob Hill Year 12
Aisha Hendriks Year 12 & Zara Kruger Year 11
Will Hausler Year 12 & Mr Minney
Mia Spong & Matilda Mason Year 7

It was lovely to have Father Bob Irwin msc celebrate the mass with us, and the coming together of our Monivae community during the rest of the day was undoubtedly one of those moments that students and staff remember when talking about Monivae 2021 for years to come. Well done to all the Year 12 students who helped make the day a special one, and all participants who demonstrate the friendships on offer at Monivae.

Father Bob Irwin MSC
Father Bob Irwin MSC

To build on this message, the staff participated in a Staff Retreat on the first day of the student holiday break. We focused on our own gifts that we offer to making Monivae a place where one can be on earth the heart of God.


During week one of Term 3, our Year 11 Retreat took place a couple of weeks earlier than normal due to the change of date for the GAT, which occurred after lockdown 4. Who knew it would be interrupted by lockdown 5.0?


The Year 11 cohort were fantastic, participating fully in the retreat, which began on night one with a liturgy encouraging students to let go of things that were holding them back. These “blockers” were symbolically burnt to complete the liturgy.


The retreat was abruptly called to an end due to lockdown 5.0 being announced, but not before the “Saint I know” session was completed, allowing the students to share with each other and build on friendships at the same time.

Thanks to all the staff that gave up their time to come on retreat, as these successful events do not occur without them.


Upcoming events

  • August 26th – Year 7 Reflection Day TBC
  • Term 3 – T.I.N.N.Y.S for St Vinnies (winter appeal)

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.


Danny Franc

Director of Faith and Mission.