Years 7 and 8 update

Report review and check-in process for lockdown

Report review

All students in Years 7 and 8 have now had the opportunity to complete a reflection and goal setting survey on their Semester 1. It is an important part of the reporting process that students take the time to consider carefully the feedback offered by each of their teachers and then put in place the changes in their routines and behaviours recommended. The reflection and goal-setting survey is valuable for students to focus on what can be done to achieve the desired improvement. All students can benefit from making goals which are SMART:

  • S – Specific: The goal is direct, detailed and meaningful.
  • M – Measurable: The goal is quantifiable and progress can be easily assessed.
  • A – Attainable: The goal is realistic, and you have the resources or ability to meet it.
  • R – Relevant: The goal aligns with the advice provided or is applicable to a subject area.
  • T – Timely: The goal has a deadline. Likely the end of Semester 2!

Parents can assist this reflection process by discussing their report with their child. Ideally, parents and the child should first read the report independently. Then, parents can facilitate a discussion in which the child is asked a few questions as prompts:

  • What was good about the report?
  • What can be improved moving forward?
  • Can I or the school help you achieve your goals? What support is most appropriate?

If there is something the School can do to assist your child in meeting their goals for improvement, please let me know via email and we can discuss further. Parents may like to contact the relevant subject teacher directly. And, of course, the upcoming Parent Teacher Discussions are an ideal time for parents, teachers and students to discuss individual students’ goals and ambitions. 

Check-in process for lockdown

Stay connected, staying interested and staying active are the essential ingredients for wellbeing during lockdown. To that end, during Wellbeing period today (20/07/21), I provided all students with six questions they can use to check in with themselves and their family each day in lockdown:

  • What am I grateful for today?
  • Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
  • How am I getting outside today? (Staying within the 5km radius and wearing face masks, of course!)
  • How am I moving my body today?
  • What beauty am I either creating, cultivating or inviting today?
  • How can I enjoy my passion or hobby today?

These questions align with the School’s belief that the wellbeing of each student is paramount. The seventh question, if I was to add one, is to ask, ‘Do I need help?’ To that end, I discussed with the students who they can call on to help them if they need help in any of the areas addressed by these check-in questions. I am available to support students as are the school’s psychologists. 


Further advice as to the routines and expectations for online learning and lockdown are available to parents and students in the Principal’s Online Teaching, Learning and Procedures advice, distributed via email.

Principal’s Poetry Prize for Year 7 and 8 Students

Year 7 and 8 students are invited to write a poem presenting a considered reflection on one of the following topics:

  • how a chosen event, idea, person or movement has had impact in the world
  • why a chosen event, idea, person or movement is important, or
  • what can or must be done to make the world a better place.

For full details download the PDF document.


Tristan Hill

Middle Years Coordinator