Music news

Welcome back for Term 3, while it may not be exactly how we would have liked it, we are back and running online.


I would like to welcome Ms Dorota Swart as our newest instrumental teacher to Shelford. Ms Swart is currently teaching at Brighton Grammar and will be teaching violin and viola.


Seeing we are back to remote learning, instrumental lessons and ensemble rehearsals are back on Teams. If students are unable to attend a rehearsal please ensure the ensemble director is notified via email. Ensemble directors will also send out rehearsal reminders via Teams, if you don’t receive one please let ensemble directors know ASAP.


While we are all away from school, it is important to remember when it comes to instruments working properly, prevention is the best medicine. Regularly playing your instrument will keep valves and keys working, often issues arise if they aren’t played regularly. Although, if you are having issues with your instrument please contact your instrumental teacher ASAP.


Frank Blakiston

Head of Music