Assistant Principal's Report

It has been wonderful to see the children back at school this week. I, too, want to acknowledge our teachers' commitment and hard work, education support staff and parents for supporting our students during remote learning.


The positive impact we continue to have on our students, supporting them to continue learning, catch up, cope, and thrive, is remarkable and crucial to their learning, well-being, and development needs.


I have been reading a book called 'The Choice' by Dr. Edith Eger, an internationally acclaimed psychologist and one of the last remaining Holocaust survivors. Dr. Eger has devoted her life to helping people enhance their ability to bounce back and thrive even during the most challenging times in life. Dr. Eger talks about recognising the choices and gifts in our lives. She highlights the importance of paying attention to our thinking and self-talk. Dr. Eger encourages us to develop a habit of reframing the beliefs behind our thoughts to help us through difficult times. By making a conscious decision to embrace positivity and possibility as a way of life, we cultivate inner peace and happiness. 


As parents and educators, we must encourage our children to talk about their thoughts and approach this conversation with curiosity and non-judgment. Thoughts trigger feelings, and feelings trigger behaviour. Together with our children, we can begin to explore the beliefs behind their thoughts to help them feel more control over their emotions and behaviour.  During these conversations, we can help children reframe their thinking with a focus on gratitude and positivity.  Talking while walking or playing catch with a ball is a great time to get kids to open up in a non-invasive way.  


Congratulations to our students for transitioning back to school with ease. Wishing everyone a fabulous term ahead.