Year 7 Update

Year 7 English



Auggie and Me 


By Allison McAvoy A 7.3


Even though we have been in and out of school this term, we have still managed to learn a lot in English.  This term started with watching Wonder!  Wonder is a movie about a boy with a face deformity; the story is about what happens at middle school and how he handles being bullied. Now that is all I am going to say, I do not want to spoil it. The movie was fantastic! After watching some of the movie it was announced that we go into lockdown, this made me sad and a little frustrated. We did tons of work on Wonder! So, most of us finished watching the movie at home. Not long ago just before we came back to school, we started reading Auggie and Me. Which is like the 2nd Wonder story. In each book, there are three main chapters. The chapters are about the same story, but from a different character’s perspective or point of view. I really enjoy reading Auggie and Me as I now have a better understanding of the characters. It is really cool to see what was actually happening on their side rather than learning about one person’s perspective. So far, we are up to the first chapter of the second book. Each lesson we have a Learning Intention, including a Success Criteria so that we know what we are going to do that lesson and aim to be done. We also have a Learning Behavior so that we know how we should behave during class time.  I Love English because we have different activities each lesson and I love reading and writing.



From Ally