Parents & Friends


This year Ormond Primary turns 130 years old. Parents & Friends would like to mark this momentous occasion by selling an commemorative bag tag. 


Australian made, the environmentally friendly bag tag is manufactured using recycled wood with no plastics used in the production process.

The bag tags can be attached to the OPS school bags, used on your work bag and, sized at 5cm by 9cm, they could even be used as a key ring.


Cost: $6.50 each  

Orders close 5pm, Monday 26 July 


How to order:

Order via the Course Confirmation/School Payments area of Compass. this will appear as a link on you portal home screen. Please state in the question area how many tags you wish to purchase. Please ensure you enter the final payment amount to reflect the total number of tags you wish to order .e.g. 

 2 x  bag tags  = $13.00

 6  x  bag tags = $39.00


We’ve received very positive feedback about this initiative and hope many families purchase the commemorative OPS 130 year anniversary bag tag.

Upcoming Events

Our P&F volunteers are currently working on the following events for 2021 to help build a sense a community within our school, and to raise additional funds:  

Term 3

Second Hand Uniform Sale - 30th July TBC pending covid restrictions

A 2nd hand uniform sale will be held on Friday 30th July from 3:15 to 4pm in the hall.


Trivia Night Fundraiser, 28th August

This event is still on schedule to run on Saturday 28th August in the school hall. The event will be run subject to Covid safe restrictions, with maximum ticket sales and 1.5m distancing enforced. More details to follow soon.

Term 4

Comedy Night for Parents/Carers at McKinnon Hotel, 7th October 

Due to Covid restrictions, the Comedy Night that was scheduled for 24th June had to be cancelled. A new date is proposed for Thursday 7th October. The venue is still the McKinnon Hotel. More details to follow.


Walkathon Fundraiser, 12th October


Mango Drive Fundraiser, date TBC


Student Social Event (such as a disco but to be chosen with the help of students), date TBC

What has P&F fundraising revenue been spent on this year?

Every year, P&F helps the school to raise funds for additional items that benefit both children and staff. The funds raised from P&F activities and events are greatly appreciated by the school and help to purchase much needed items that are not always covered by government funding. 


Through our Term 1 fund raising (the Easter Raffle and second hand uniform sale) we raised $5,646 which helped with the purchase of the following items listed below. 

  • Shelving for classroom libraries
  • Big Books – Classroom Library Yr 2
  • TVs for Art Room & Classroom
  • Clevertouch TV for STEM Room
  • Reading program resources Yr5/6

The total amount of P&F funds spent on these items was $12,982.


Previous money raised in the last couple of years has been used to fund a range of projects such as replacing the outdoor seating in the playground, sourcing additional library and classroom books, and replacing the basketball back-boards.


What is P&F raising funds for over the remainder of this year?

The school has asked P&F to work with School Council to help raise much needed funds to replace the Astro turf in the school grounds. This requires a considerable amount of money and is a longer term project. P&F will also be working with the school and teaching staff to fund smaller, ad hoc, short term projects this year such as a new projector for the school hall, additional reading/teaching materials, replacement furniture and new classroom clocks.



Don't forget to join our Facebook Group 'OPS Parents and Friends Community Kindness' to see regular reminders of what's going on at school, and to swap resources such as second hand uniform with other parents.

We welcome new volunteers and new ideas!  You can contact us at anytime