3-4 S.A.K.G 

S.A.K.G News


How exciting was it to see happy faces back at Brookside? Many parents have been looking forward to helping with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, unfortunately, with social distancing in place, this is off the table for now.

Our Year 3 students were so happy to get their hands dirty in the garden and trying out their kitchen skills during their first SAKG sessions. 


In the garden, groups tended the chickens, collected eggs, harvested carrots, weeded and composted whilst others planted more seeds and seedlings ready for the summer harvest. Although a few students were scared of the chickens and the mess initially, they soon built resilience and joined in.

In the kitchen, we used celery, carrots, silverbeet and herbs from the garden to make soups, served up with tasty wholemeal rolls made fresh by the talented students. 

Impressively, students demonstrated safe knife techniques and worked together in small teams to succeed with their allocated recipe. 

Special thanks goes out to our wonderful HOL Café staff Sarah and Sonia and the Year 3 teachers for assisting with cooking sessions during week 2-3. 




Lentil Soup 



Vegetable Soup



Bread Rolls 



Happy cooking and gardening!



Ms Crossman
Ms Crossman




Growing Harvesting Preparing Sharing