Prep-2 Sector

Prep News

The preps have had a positive return to school, they have settled beautifully and have been eager to learn. 

This term students have made huge improvements in writing. They have been demonstrating 5 star sentences and using all the sounds we have learnt so far. We are focusing on Narratives this term and having a look at the characters, setting, problems and solutions.

We were lucky enough to celebrate book week and had the opportunity to get dressed up as our favourite book characters. The preps were able to do a parade in the agora and show off all their amazing costumes. 

During Maths we are looking at mass and capacity. You could continue to talk about this at home looking at things that are light and heavy. Your child may also wish to help you with cooking at look at the capacity of objects. 


Yours Truly,

The Prep Team 


Year 1 News

We’re back! We’re finally back!


We are all so excited to be back at school to finish off the school year! The Grade 1 teachers would like to thank the parents and students for all their hard work throughout Remote Learning 2.0. You all did a fantastic job logging into the whole class and small group zooms, as well as uploading all the learning tasks.  The students have settled back into school life amazingly, it’s as though they never left! 

This term in Reading, we will continue to be doing InitialLit, focusing on digraphs and trigraphs. 


In Writing, we are learning how to write an Information Report.  Shape and Operations will be the focus for Maths for the rest of the term.  

Just a reminder that all students need to bring a school hat and a drink bottle to school every day.


Last week, we celebrated Literacy and Numeracy Week and had our annual Book Week Parade, although it looked very different this year than what it normally does. 


The Year 1 Team

Year 2 Team

For our first week back in Term 4 the Year Two students have been eased back into onsite learning through a special start up program. 


This program has concentrated on revisiting hygiene practices, supporting the students to play safely outside and reminding them about our Brookside values as well as positive behaviour practices in the classroom. The students completed lots of fun activities at school related to these topics as the attached images show.

Students have worked together in groups to solve problems and complete activities across all subject areas. We have worked on the concept of teamwork and the skills necessary for this to be successful such as sharing, taking turns, listening and communicating respectfully. Students have also practised focusing on their own skills such as working independently, following instructions and waiting their turn.

In Reading we have continued with the spelling focus in Initial Lit as well as the comprehension strategy of inferring. We will move on to finding the main idea next as our comprehension strategy. 

In Writing we are finishing up working on narratives with the students and will move forward with information reports soon. Our Numeracy focus continues to be multiplication and division with the concept of multiplication being the ongoing focus. 

Next we will work on measurement which includes, area, length and capacity. Our Play based activities will centre on having good mental and physical health, how to express and manage your own feelings, develop self-reliance and understanding the positive aspects of an active lifestyle.

The Year 2 Team