Student Wellbeing 

Wellbeing News

R U Ok? 2020


Every year Brookside College takes part in the annual celebration of R U Ok Day 2020. We do this to promote the awareness mental health and to encourage asking your family, friends, peers and co-workers “R U Ok?”. This year, with the challenges of remote learning we had to think of many creative ways of celebrating through the online platform. The entire week began themed as “R U Ok? Week" to kick-off the integration of wellbeing aspects into the students’ classroom by taking part in 15-minute circle time activities facilitated by their homegroup teachers. 

We were also fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to collaborate with external mental health agencies such as the Brimbank Youth Services, Headspace and BATYR. These services held online assemblies for the students of Year 7, 8 and 9’s. Through these assemblies, students were able to gain information on the importance and meaning R U Ok? Day, as well as learn how to facilitate such conversations with others. Most students took part in the celebration, wearing a splash of yellow or their R U Ok? Shirts designed by our very own art teacher, Ben Fenech. Additionally, the Year 6 students took part in one of our biggest projects this year - Project U. 

The focus of Project U is to highlight staff wellbeing and to encourage self-care whilst spreading mental health awareness. Wellbeing goodie bags were created by the Year 6 students by asking allocated staff questions of their favorite color, what they like to do in their spare time, where they would like to go for a holiday, and what they would buy for $2. The wellbeing goodie bags were distributed Week 2 of Term 4 as a welcome back gift to staff for their return onsite. 

We would like to extend out thanks to our hardworking staff and students who took part in this year’s celebration. We hope that the message of R U Ok? has been impactful for our school community despite the challenges of 2020. Now more than ever, we encourage individuals to maintain social connections with others and to continue in asking the question “R U Ok?” to create a positive mental health awareness within your support networks. 


The Wellbeing Team