Principal's Report

Mr Rob Bray


As always, the past fortnight at NCS has seen our students and staff involved in a wide range of learning opportunities. It has also seen our HSC students continuing to sit for their external examinations. These will conclude next Wednesday with the Drama examination. Thank you to the many members of our community who have been faithfully upholding these students in your prayers.

TAS/Visual Arts Centre now in operation

We are incredibly thankful to God for His provision of this wonderful new facility. I have been delighted to visit on a number of occasions and to see how the building has come to life as our students and staff have enjoyed the teaching and learning experience in this modern setting. 


I also had the privilege of joining with some key NCS staff and with our Board Chair as we celebrated the completion of this building with some executive staff members from the Stanton Dahl Architectural Team. They presented us with a framed print that highlighted key developmental stages of the building program. We will place this print in an appropriate location in the foyer of our new TAS/Visual Arts Centre. 

First practical cooking class in the new facility
First practical cooking class in the new facility

Kindergarten 2021 Orientation

Our Kindergarten staff are to be commended for the thorough transition program that they operate, designed to best prepare our new Kindergarten children and their parents/carers for the world of ‘big’ school in the coming year. Thankfully there has been some relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions and this has allowed our school to recently hold two Kindergarten orientation afternoons. This has provided our new 2021 Kindergarten children with an opportunity to sample what life at school will be like next year. Needless to say, they departed with big smiles on their faces and an increased enthusiasm for school to begin in the new year!

Primary Swimming Program

This has certainly kept many of our students and staff occupied as they have travelled off-site to engage in this important life-skills program. 

‘Journey of Hope’ Program to be trialled over coming weeks

Mrs Jodie Dearsley, our School Counsellor/Psychologist, has been the driving force in this initiative that will see some small groups of NCS students, from Infants through to Secondary, participating in this resilience training program. The program will be presented by ‘Save the Children’, Australia’s largest aid and development agency. It is hoped that this program will then become available to all students during Terms 1 and 2 of next year.

Diabetes Awareness Staff Training Program

Last week, all NCS staff, teaching and non-teaching, were involved in an important professional development session that was presented by a member of the Diabetes Clinic. One of our three school values is that of ‘care’ and, as a result of information gained from this session, our staff are now much better equipped to care appropriately for the needs of students who have a diabetes diagnosis.

World Teachers’ Day 

This event was recently celebrated throughout Australia on Friday, 30 October. Its aim is to acknowledge the vital role that teachers play in helping to shape and educate the children placed in our care. At NCS, we acknowledged this event by providing our staff with suitably decorated slab cakes. I had the opportunity to thank our teachers and support staff on your behalf for their dedication to the task of educating your children.

Focus Verse

During this past week, I was again challenged as a result of participating in devotional sessions that were presented by various members of staff. On one of these occasions we were asked to consider the question, ‘What is your Purpose?’ This is an important question for everyone of us to consider, whether we be staff members, students or parents and carers. 

Romans 8:28 (NIV) states ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.’ 

At Nowra Christian School, we believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives. As staff members, it is our desire to help our students to explore and to discover just what this calling and purpose might be.