Grade 2/3

Welcome back!

Welcome back to all Grade 2/3 students! We have had a fantastic week settling back into collaborative learning in the classroom- no devices in sight! We have been very impressed by how smooth the transition back into the classroom was for our students and all have enjoyed working with their peers once again. This term, students are learning about our Solar System and so far we have begun to explore the wonders of Planet Earth and The Moon, reflecting on our existing knowledge and creating "I wonder" statements.


Ojo de Dios

The 23s have enjoyed getting crafty this week when making Ojo de Dios, collecting fallen twigs from our garden and using wool to follow a pattern and create their piece. We learned about the history of the Huichol people of Mexico's Sierra Madre and how they believed the centre of the eye represented the sun and each end of the twig represented Earth's elements. 

School pick up

Just a reminder that 23 students are to be picked up from the basketball court at 3:15pm. Those with siblings in Prep/1 will wait on the bench with their teachers until 3:30.

Upcoming Dates

October, Monday 19th: Grade 3 Only - 2021 Canberra Excursion Information evening. 6:45 pm 

( On Microsoft Teams)

Lunch outside
Lunch outside