Principal News

Covid-19  (Coronavirus)

12th February 2021

Special Message

Dear Parents and Guardians


I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that our first priority at Sacred Heart School, is the health and safety of our school community. As a staff, we live the adage that our students are at the heart of everything we do.


We have been told by the Victorian State Government today that schools will be closed for three days from Monday 15th February to Wednesday 17th February. At present we do not know if our Parent/Teacher interviews will go ahead and we will use our school Facebook page and skool bag app to communicate with you.


We will be following the Health Department guidelines where ONLY students of essential workers and vulnerable students are able to attend school next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If you fall into this category please email me by Saturday  so we can put arrangements in place and have necessary staff. Mark is currently on sick leave this afternoon, next Monday and Tuesday. (don't worry it is not an emergency). I am available to be contacted by email which I check constantly.


We will be focusing less on online learning and more about reading, writing and other activities that do not require technology. Your child will be taking home work tonight.


Talk to your children about the situation, as they may be feeling anxious or stressed. You have a key role in helping your children feel prepared and safe


Yours sincerely,


Jenny Del Prete

Deputy Principal