Visual Arts 

What a fortnight we have had in the Art Room!


F/1 have been super busy exploring paint application. As part of our Book Week 2020 theme, we have been looking at the book, Goodbye House, Hello House by Margaret Wild. This gorgeous book has colourful backgrounds and black and white characters in the pictures. This week, we applied paint to our background – but not with brushes! We used stiff card to spread the paint across our page and watched as the primary colours blended to create secondary and tertiary colours. Next week, we will print over the top using sponges, rollers and leaves. Then we will add our black and white features (character or nature items). They’re looking fabulous already!

2/3 have continued creating their ‘stand up friends’. We’ve seen giraffes, possums, dogs, cats … a whole menagerie in the Art Room! We completed a guided tutorial together to create the frame, then students decorated with oil pastels, colour slicks and metallics to turn their frame into the creature of their choice. They are on display in the Art Room - come and visit them all!


4/5/6 have continued in the journey of creating Curious Creatures, Wild Minds (Book Week 2020 theme). Adhering to Success Criteria, students have created a 3D model of their choosing. Some methods have included papier-mâché, sewing, construction with cardboard, air drying clay, modelling clay…there is so much going on! Students will complete a reflection upon completion. They will be on display shortly in the office area.


Thanks all and have a terrific fortnight,

