National Recycling Week

9th -15th November

The National Recycling week is coming up fast and this year it's more important than ever. Due to the terrible circumstances more one use plastics have been thrown in the trash.


National Recycling Week started in 1996 to bring a national focus to the environmental benefits of recycling. This annual campaign continues to educate and stimulate behaviour change by promoting community recycling initiatives.


National Recycling Week is held in the second week of November each year, and helps educate the younger members of our community. With a main focus on schools, wishes to raise awareness about the dangers of plastics.


This year our school’s main focus will be to reduce all types of plastics. A packet of chips take less than minutes to devour but the packaging can take up to eight decades to decompose. During National Recycling Week we would like everyone to think of their plastic usage. 


Soft Plastics are plastics that you can scrunch up, these plastics can be recycled into many different things like sturdy outdoor tables! Other plastics are hard and can’t be recycled at school, so just put those into the rubbish bin or take them home. All the classes should have signs on what plastics can be put in the soft plastics bin, and remember to empty those bins out regularly!


If your class doesn't have a soft plastic bin please take the time to come ask us, because one  piece of plastic can make a world of change!


Happy recycling,

Your 2020 Sustainability Captains,

Sophie and Drew