Whole School News

From the Counsellor

Mental Health First Aid – Year Ten

This week heralds the final classes of teenMHFA training for our Year Ten students who have participated with curiosity and respect in this useful course. Mental Health First Aid focuses on the importance of help-seeking and supporting a friend through a mental health problem and a crisis. As well as the differences between a problem and a crisis, our Year Ten students have learnt why early intervention is essential, the interrelated dynamics of thoughts, feelings and behaviours, what mal-adaptive and healthy coping strategies are, how to link with a responsible adult, how to set safe personal boundaries and how to have a compassionate and perhaps challenging conversation with a friend who is struggling. 


Mental Health First Aid Australia asserts that attending Session 2 is mandatory to qualify for the Certificate of Participation in the course, and in order to capture as many candidates as possible, last weekend l emailed all students who were absent for this crucial Session 2 inviting them to a catch up  for Session 2 which occurred yesterday (Wednesday Period 5 and 6). I wish to commend the Year Ten students on their insights, their courageous questions and their overall support for this training. 


Mental Health First Aid – Year Eight

I’m very much looking forward to introducing our Year Eight Students to their version of teenMHFA training in Term Three. 


Pilot Course for Middle School – Prosocial Training 

Some exciting news to share – in recent discussions with Heads of Year Eight and Year Seven, Ms Penny Simpson and Mrs Penni Berryman, it emerged that some training for our Middle Schoolers in prosocial learning would be both relevant and useful. I love researching and am passionate about supporting young people so this is a fantastic opportunity to devise and deliver a pilot course which aims to capture crucial aspects of social development of the Middle-Schooler within a context of cooperation, fostering others’ growth and respect for each individual’s journey. The topics include: my brain, my emotions, my body, how information is encoded, stored and retrieved, my social hardwiring, communication styles (assertiveness: asking and speaking back with truth), setting boundaries – saying “enough” and knowing how to graciously stop unwanted behaviours when you are the irritant, the impact of kindness and gratitude, how to be a good friend, noticing and including others. We are not born with a sharpened and honed skill set ready to launch ourselves into the world of relationships – so learning and practising are key. More information to come from the Middle School team.


Year Eleven Work Ready, Life Ready

Commencing in Term Two, over a phase of seven lessons, in their House groups, the Year Eleven students will be participating in Work Ready, Life Ready every Friday during Period 3. I am enthusiastic about being part of the staff team, and am ready to offer our young people an exciting course focusing on their wellbeing. Some of the ideas I am working on include physical and mental health, having fun, our perfect versus our real self, relationships and our brain. 


I sincerely hope the school holidays bring you relaxation, connection and meaning.


Ms Sheryl Moncur | School Counsellor

ABSTUDY Supplementation Allowance  

Applications close 8 April 

Secondary Assistance Scheme

Applications close 8 April