Year 3 News

Well Done Year 3!

The Year 3 teachers are really proud of the growth in independence shown by our ‘Threes’  this term. We have loved getting to know them all and enjoy the energy, humour and banter these beautiful children bring with them each day. We look forward to sharing more fun and learning with them next term. We wish everyone a safe and happy Easter holiday break.

Unit of Inquiry

Our Unit of Inquiry, How We Express Ourselves, is winding up this week. We have explored persuasive arguments through team debates and persuasive writing - and we’d like to say we have been pretty impressed by the conviction shown by our opinionated youngsters! 


For our final inquiry task this week we have been working on The Dog Poo Project (DPP). 


The students have chosen to take various forms of action to persuade local dog owners who utilise our school’s grounds to be more responsible with cleaning up after their dog. We have had so many “shoe accidents” this term and the students have had enough!


The students have been working in small groups to use three different forms of communication to help influence change. Action pieces included: persuasive letters to the council seeking regular provision of poo bags for the oval dispenser, posters for the fence line to catch the eye of dog walkers, tv and radio jingles as well as pamphlets for a local letterbox drop.


Please enjoy some sample action pieces.  (posters and inquiry letters)

Here’s hoping these wonderful efforts make an impact on the dog ‘walkers’ who are neglecting to clean up after their dog. Well done Year 3!

Animation Codes & Science

In the last fortnight we have also had a great time experimenting with an animation program to bring drawings to life to show that words are not always necessary when communicating with others. 


We also have investigated codes and secret messages which culminated in a science experiment using invisible ink.

 Aria’s article will tell you more about this. 


Last week Year 3 did a science activity using invisible ink, it was awesome! There were two different ways to make the solution that we wrote with.


The one that 3A and 3D used was: Lemon juice and water

The one that 3C and 3B were using was: Bicarb soda and water.


It was so much fun and we got to send coded messages to the class that was using the same solution as your class (for me it was 3C)


I loved it and I wish I could do it again.


The solution that 3D and 3A used to uncover the secret name was this:

You heat up an iron and wait until the solution on the paper is dry and then you iron the paper. 


The one that 3C and 3A used to uncover the message was made like this:

You rub an alcohol & turmeric solution over the paper. The writing shows up dark brown while the rest of the page is yellow. 


We needed to wear labcoats to protect our clothes and felt like real scientists!

We’ve had a great term of Year 3 sport on Tuesday afternoons. We’ve played dodgeball, memory tag and Newcombe. Please enjoy the sports report by Billy C. 



Year 3 Sport Report

By Billy C

Every Tuesday after lunch we go out and

we play Newcombe Ball and Memory Tag. Last Tuesday it was 3C v 3D and 3B v 3A.

3D beat 3C and 3A and 3B didn’t keep score. 

There was a competitive court and a skills training court. While 3A and 3B were playing Newcombe the other were playing memory tag, then we swapped.


It was great fun!



Thanks for a great term, Year 3!