Interview with Sam Plumridge

Interview with Mrs Sam Plumridge - Year 1B



How long have you worked at BNPS? 

I have worked at BNPS for 5 years.


Who  inspires you?  

My class inspires me every day with their random acts of kindness. I love seeing their smiling faces and hearing their little stories every day!


What is your favourite thing to do on the weekends?

I love to do Pilates, go for walks with my husband and sausage dog, go to the football, go out for dinner… too many things!



Are you an early bird or a night owl?  

I am an early bird! I like to get lots of jobs done in the morning to have a productive day.


What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I am an identical twin. So, if you see me outside of school and I don’t recognise you, it’s probably my twin sister! But you can still say hello to her… she is also a teacher!

 What recently made you smile?

My students always make me smile daily! 


If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose ? 

The Queen. I would love to see how she lives her life and the official duties she carries out.


What would you like to say to your students?

Thank you for always being amazing! Be kind, be brave, be honest, be creative, be humble, be thankful, be happy, be you!