Message from 

Nurse Janice

Year 7 - 12 Wellbeing Day 

Flourish Girl

Year 7-12 students participated in a ‘Flourish Girl’ workshop on Tuesday 29th March, a personal development workshop run specifically for teenage girls to build self-awareness, self-confidence and social connectedness within their school community and other trusted relationships.

The students participated in a series of workshops led by the Flourish Girl three-person team. The sessions provided students with an opportunity to build social and emotional tools to connect with themselves and others. The workshops aimed at developing essential skills and knowledge for the students to help understand society/ social media norms, the power of their own stories and recognise the value in being vulnerable.

Some of the sessions were emotionally confronting and at times a bit slow moving or not relevant to all.  

We look forward to building on knowledge gained through our Respectful Relationship Huddle sessions during the year.


Emily, Olivia and Lucy
Emily, Olivia and Lucy

Man Cave

The day focused on topics such as mental health, stresses and bullying. We discussed difficult topics throughout three different workshops during the day. Students were able to open up and share individual stories, listen to others, reflect on experiences and engage in strategies that may assist in dealing with pressures faced by adolescent boys. 

All participants showed a great level of honesty and respect in both speaking and listening to others. We learnt that everybody has a metaphorical ‘jar’ inside them and stresses, bullying, trauma and other factors can add ‘rocks’ to our jar. This can weigh us down if our jar becomes too full and can result in behaviour and action that may not be positive. By using strategies such as ‘checking in’ or simply just talking to someone, we can take some of those rocks out and begin to feel better. 


Great Job Lads. 

Mr P was proud of you! 



There were a number of students away on the day of Year 7 & 10 vaccinations. Please contact the school if you want your student to have their catch up vaccination with our school Doctor. 

Influenza Vaccine

Don’t Take The Risk This Season – Get The Flu Vaccine. 

The influenza vaccine is recommended for people aged 6 months and over and provided free to those most at risk from influenza and its complications.

Students in the following groups are eligible to receive a free seasonal influenza vaccine:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students 

Students with medical conditions putting them at increased risk of severe influenza and its complications:

  • cardiac disease
  • chronic respiratory conditions e.g. Asthma
  • chronic neurological conditions
  • immunocompromising conditions
  • diabetes and other metabolic disorders
  • renal disease
  • hematological disorders

If your student is eligible, the flu shot can be arranged with the School Doctor who can now also see Primary students (together with their parent/Carer)

Contact the School Office to arrange an appointment.


Janice Deocampo

School Nurse