From the Year 3/4 Classrooms

Measurement and Geometry

 It was terrific to see the Year 3 & 4 students back in the classroom last week working with enthusiasm and renewed energy after their holiday break.

Our focus in Maths last week was investigating length and perimeter. We explored questions such as:

What is perimeter?

How do we calculate the perimeter of a 3D shape?

Do we need to know the length of all sides to calculate the perimeter of a shape?


Students explored the perimeter of their names when written in Block Letters.

They predicted which letter had the smallest perimeter and which had the largest perimeter. They then proceeded to calculate the total perimeter of their name using addition and multiplication strategies. This took a great degree of persistence concentration. 


Here are some examples of their work:

Our future learning will be investigating the measurement of area. Questions we will think about could include:

How does the area of an object compare to its perimeter?

When can we use Perimeter and Area in real world occasions?