Faith & Wellbeing


School Closure Day


On Friday 18th March St James had a school closure day this gave staff the opportunity to update their CPR and Anaphylaxis management skills. 


Also, on this day we had the opportunity to discuss the “icebergs” we are currently navigating in terms of student behaviour and support. 

We were able to complete an appreciative inquiry process involving all staff, from this the following points “St James at it’s best” were generated. 

Wearing the uniform correctly and with pride was one of the aspects we decided we could work on immediately. The students had a special assembly last week on Monday about uniform expectations and have since also watched a presentation on what our summer uniform should look like. 

The above photos are from the presentation the students will have seen. Please support the school in ensuring the following;

  • ONLY PLAIN white socks are worn-there should be NO black socks with the summer uniform. All socks should have no stripes or pictures on them.
  • The Sport jacket is NOT part of the summer uniform. The jumper should be worn over the summer uniform. 
  • Black sneakers are not school shoes. 

Bodyworks Feedback

Our Bodyworks program has now wrapped up. I would love to hear any feedback you may have. The teachers always find these conversations invaluable and timely for our students. I hope the parent community would agree. 


Take Care


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Students Wellbeing Leader





Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday. Next week each class will be sharing one of the stories of Holy Week to the rest of the class. Please find the timetable below and families are more than welcome to join us.


Throughout Lent we have been encouraging the children to raise money for project compassion to support those less fortunate in our local and global communities. Next week the Year 6 leaders with the support of class SRC reps will be holding a number of events to raise money. 




Yesterday the Year 3 and some of the Year 4 students celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was a wonderful celebration in which students reflected on their words and actions and through the Priest spoke to Jesus. 


We would like to thank Fr David and Fr James for leading us through this Sacrament and to Miss Contin, Mrs Busch, Mrs Conway and Miss Corio for all their support in preparing the students.  


If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you. 




Monday 3rd - Beginning of Holy Week Liturgies 




For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website 




Emma Herbert

RE Leader / STEM & Sustainability Leader